This is kind of about Derek, well us as a couple I guess. But now you get to know Derek a bit better too!
What is his name? Surprise surprise, Derek.
How long have you been married? 5 and a half years.
(seems like only yesterday...sigh...)
How long did you date? a yearish
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? Usually him, but I can keep up on occasion when the food is right.
Who said I love you first? He did, he was so nervous, it was cute, and then I said right after because I love him too!
(ahhh, young love)
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? We can both carry a tune, nothing great though.
Who is smarter? Well...depends I guess. I don't like to figure things out, just tell me how to do it and i can do it. So I need Derek to figure it out and tell me how to do it.
Whose temper is worse? no tempers here. ok, me
Who does the laundry? mostly me, it's part of my job i guess
Who does the dishes? mostly me again, in the job.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? which is the right side? when you're looking or laying? do you really care?
Who pays the bills? mostly me, but derek did do it the other night!
Who mows the lawn? I'd love to have a lawn to mow, we would probably both do it!
Who cooks dinner? We share. If Derek is ever home he can't not take over, so I just clean up after him along the way.
Who drives when you are together? Always him. But i am the annoying driver right beside him.
Who is more stubborn? I don't think we are very stubborn. Or maybe it's me and I just don't know it.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? This doesn't apply to us because I'm never wrong!
Whose parents do you see the most? It's pretty fair, but mine a little more because we always sleep at my parents when we visit.
Who proposed? He did.
Who has more friends? Probably me, he puts fourth zero effort to keep in contact with anyone.
Who has more siblings? Derek. he has 7 siblings I have 5.
Who wears the pants in the family? I've got a leg in and so does he, thats the way it should be right?
I now tag....anyone who hasn't done this and is at home enjoying the freezing from the inside out!
Now for a few of the children.
We went to Ice on Whyte on Saturday before the temperature dropped to to -40 and the blizzard came. Alli could have stayed all day, the cold doesn't bother her. Also, you might no really be able to tell, but Alli's outfit is not quite right for the weather and such. She only wants to wear skirts everyday (little cold for that lately). She is picking out her clothes and it does not excite me, BUT you have to pick your battles with a 2 year old and I'm not gonna fight this one!
I'm still playing with the new camera and lighting and such.
Going through the maze.
So excited to see "Prince Charming."
James just hanging out once again in the stroller.
And the slide, the slide, the slide. Alli loved that of course. Make sure you look at Susie's blog for more pictures, and the BIG slide.
Sadie and Alli in their twiner jamma's. Alli was freaking out at first thinking that Sadie was wearing her pj's
Here's James. Can you see his little tooth?
Ah! I just love this face!
fun post! james is so freakin cute he makes the cutest faces for the camera & I can't not say how cute Alli & Sadie are thanks to granny B for matching pj's brrr stay warm.. hey I should call you...
I seriously love how you keep tagging yourself. haha! I should start doing that too....only not on this one bc I'm not married, so it doesn't apply. Alli is so rockin' that outfit. I love it! She kills me. How exciting that James is getting a little toothy! So cute. I just want to squish him (in a good way) every time I see him. Oh...and please move! It is waaaay too cold there.
Okay just to give you an idea how bored i was (and Jacklyn was for that matter) i read, on the phone, to her your tag about you and Derrick...ya really bored. Anyways your family is adorable
ok, your kids are sooo cute!! i wish we'd gone to the ice on whyte or whatever it was called. it just looks like a lot of fun. keep tagging yourself, but i'll tag you the next time a new one for me comes along ;)
Maybe one of these days I will make up a few questions and tag you. Maybe on a boring night shift. In the meantime keep the tags coming, it's hilarious. And keep the pictures of the cuttie kids coming too.
your kids are seriously adorable, and you look awesome. I can't believe how cold it is, i was going to book a flight home this month but i'm glad i changed my mind.....i would freeze! Can't wait to see you this summer.
Yer funny that you tagged yourself! Cute little tooth. Jack hasn't gotten any yet but he sure has attitude like he does!
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