Wednesday, November 12, 2008

it's a little long, i'm bored

I've started up at the gym again a few weeks ago.  I was feeling useless and el-chubbo.  So I've been going to the lame-o high school 'fitness center' here.  It's a good thing it's cheap, and even cheaper for us because Derek is a teacher, because the only way to describe it really is a lame-o gym.  (and no, not just lame, lame-o.)

I love the gym, I hate the gym.
Nothing better than a good sweaty workout, but when I workout, indoors especially, I get RED-O (yeah, it's a game now to see how many -o's i can use.) in the face-o.  It's embarrassing, but I'm over it, it's been going on for years and years.  So if you do ever see me post workout, don't worry, I'm fine, I won't pass out.
Alas, I get kinda annoyed sometimes at the gym.  I hate 20 min max on cardio machines. Ummm, isn't 30 min a day cardio the Canadian Heat and Stroke recommendation?
The lame-o gym is teeny.  It has 2 whimpy treadmills, and 2 useless ellipticals (but I gave on the elliptical years ago.) And a couple of bikes, among the other bare minimal essentials.  I DO NOT like waiting.  Waste-o of time.  And there is pretty much nowhere to stretch, but they do provide 1 single tiny mat if you would like to attempt a to stretch in the corner.

Now, I don't like to get annoyed with people at the gym because hey, we are all there large or slim, just trying to be good, me included.  BUT, there are a few things that make me grit my teeth.  (which you shouldn't do when you workout, expels useless energy, or something like that...)
So please don't be offended if you fall into these limited categories, I'm just making chit chat here. (and yes limited, I'm holding myself back, I don't want to be a rude gym snob, because I'm not even close to any sort of pro worker outer.)

#1  Lead foot runners.  The people that are just so heavy on their feet.  They sound like they are going to break the machine.  Take it easy, lighten up on the feet and your knees will thank you.
#2  People that are giving it all just running away on the treadmill and then hold on to the bars.  Ummmm, that's not going to help you, it will make it harder.  Basic physics of the body.  So, if you can't keep up slow it down and hold on, nothing wrong with that, we're all here to to be good, right?
#3  Wipe the equipment.  I'm not a germaphob and it's obvious that the gym is most likely filled with disgusting dirty sweat bugs, but seriously, if you leave a pile of sweat on the bench, for goodness sake, spray and wipe it off, or GROSS!

Ok, so nothing else to exciting going on these days, that's why you got a fun little rant.  Now off to my late night gym workout.  The lame-o gym does offer great hours, WHEN EVER!  But I still dearly dearly miss so so much the YMCA in Edmonton with childcare.(and my workout friends too!)  It was never so easy and fun to go to the gym.  My life will never be the same without it...single tear.

I had these pictures form when we were up in Edmonton at the dog park with our favorite dog.  And yes, Alli dressed herself that day.  Alli loves dogs, James, not so much.  Today, we got to meet Hank the cutest chocolate brown puppy ever, with the cutest name.  He was a little hyper to see us, and James was NOT impressed.  It was pretty much the funniest thing to see him freak out.  Am I mean?

So I have to add just this one more thing.  We were out in raymond today because i had to go to a work thing in the morning.  My mama was so sweet and took the kids for me.  However while I was away, Alli spilled some secrets.  She told grandma.  
'I got new panties, Sleeping Beauty!'  True she did and she has been changing them up to wear all the new princess undies that are all the same princess undies as her old ones.
'I peed the bed last night.'  This was also true, and not cool.  I just washed her sheets on Tuesday.
'Mommy and Daddy fight.'  Ummm, not true.  Whenever the tone of my voice changes or I talk loud to Derek Alli starts telling us to stop fighting.  And if I talk to her that way she asks if I'm mad at her.  Ooops, guess i better watch it!
And don't even get me started on her newest thing...lying!  I can't believe it.  And I don't know what I'm going to do with this attitude of hers.


melissa said...

Wayne's World! hahaha! Thanks for that. I so kept thinking of that while we were there and never said it bc I didn't think anyone would get it. And, this is why we're friends! Oh, how I miss you. P.s. I share the same gym woes. I HATE when people don't wipe the equipment after. Gross. Also, I have now realized that I take my amazing gym membership for granted and need to get my butt to the gym more often. Dang! Oh, and by the way...Alli cracks me up! hahaha I'm sorry - I shouldn't encourage it. Ok, the end.

DeAnna said...

My 3 yr old has really started into the attitude that I swear could/should be coming from a teenager. And he started the lying a few months ago, just little things like when he gets into something he tells me it was Brandi or telling me he cleaned up when he clearly did not. I just hope it doesn't get worse. Your definately not alone!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Brett tried to convince me the other day that Cardston has a 'real' gym. Now I for sure don't believe him. I also miss a good gym with a good pool. Lethbridge doesn't even have what I want. I miss Edmonton too.

whitney said...

Ha ha, your gym rant cracked me up! Better than my gym - the I paid then got prego and sick and never went now I am too tired by the time Brad gets home from work gym. But I do run on the treadmill at home, so that has got to count for something.

Brooke said...

Luckily, I haven't noticed any non-wipers at the gym, and I hear on the other 2 - I hate when I see people with the treadmill on full tilt hanging on for dear life; it makes me just want to tap tap the slant button down. Also, I take back my gym rant after comparing it to your's.

Oler Family said...

We miss you too! The Y just isn't the same without that blond bombshell running endless laps around the track!
Olivia has started telling secrets too. Today at the gym her teacher said what happened to Olivia's crayons? I said I told her that if she didn't clean them up that I would throw them away. she said fine, just throw them about a major back fire!! Her teacher looked at me like I committed murder...please, all I did was follow through on a stupid threat!

Jacklyn said...

oh come on what's wrong with the gym being nice and shweaty...I know how to fix that you like me Lazy and then you don't have to worry about any of it

Candice said...

Lindsay - you are too cute! Your kids are so cute too! Good luck at the gym. Just think of how good you feel after a good sweat, that's what keeps me motivated.LOL
PS - tell your mom & dad "hi" from me. I don't if you remember me, Ryan & were the BEST of friends when we were little....long before your time. :-)
Candice (Holt)

Ashley Dawn said...

okay, I think I'm going to head back to the Y soon. Apparently I'm taking it for granted. We miss you there though. I enjoyed the rant and loved the pictures of your kids (I wish my kids dressed themselves that nicely).

Just Rhonda said...

it is pretty gross to sit on a machine that some sweaty beast has been using and they didn't wipe it down. Soooo true.
The stories alli was telling grandma - now that's just funny.

Christal said...

You are hilorous that was so funny! Exactly why I work out on my treadmill at home so nobody watches me huffing and puffing and sweating and tripping j/k! as if its that bad ! But I totally hear you! Cardston does have a good gyn under the pool windy city gym I think its called!!At least they used too. Anyway I hear you on the lying thing too lauren told her preschool class the other day that her great grandpa died {he did like 2 years ago} But yeah where do they come up with some things eh! Hope your having a good weekend! ttys

Arrington's said...

HaHa you had be laughing out loud. It was all rather depressing to read actually since I now have the constant guilt that I should be at the gym! Good-bye guilt free eating and 9 months of lounging.

Arrington's said...

HaHa you had be laughing out loud. It was all rather depressing to read actually since I now have the constant guilt that I should be at the gym! Good-bye guilt free eating and 9 months of lounging.