Monday, February 09, 2009

we took them in public

We went out to eat the other night, no not to McDonalds. To a 'real' restaurant. I wish I would have had a camera for the gong show.
Here's a summary...
When we got there, James was running around checking out what everybody else had ordered before we got our table, little savage.
Then he was risking his life and my patience by trying to superman out of the high chair.
I look up from reading the menu for all of 10 seconds and he had poured a big pile of salt onto the table.
There were crayons flying in every direction.
Then the food came. (We were at East Side Mario's. You know the bread that comes there?) Well, Alli insisted on having her own loaf. So she was chowing down on a full size loaf, while James was just his tossing his on the floor, and hugging his drink saying 'mine, mine' Because I'm sure the old couple who were either giving us annoyed stares or I feel so bad for you looks (but didn't say a word to eachother their entire meal) were eyeing up his backwashed chocolate milk.)
James was stealing the cherry tomatoes (his fav) out of our salads but must be color blind because he snatched an olive. Didn't like the taste of that and it was all over the table and floor along with whatever else was jammed into his mouth.
James was ravenous when his pasta came like he'd hadn't been fed in days, which is good because he makes less mess when he's hungry and not playing.
Alli just squeezed ketchup over her entire plate of food and that, unfortunately, is completely normal.
Alli did say please after she asked the waitress for more chocolate milk, and said thank you for sharing. And then she said, 'Mom she is so good at sharing her food.'

And the truth is, I thought the experience went really well.

I'm pretty sure no one else noticed, but I got 25 comments on my last post and I didn't even just give birth or anything! I'm not gonna lie, I loved every single one of them and could really get used feeling so popular. C'mon, we all love getting comments!

I'd love to take all the credit for the occasional entertainment found here, but you can't make this stuff up. I'm just being entertained everyday by the the little rascals just like most of you!

So keep the comments coming! I'm sure you can top me off with your public outings at a restaurant.


Brittany said...

We had restaurant manners day at our house and went over everything and SLOWLY we are getting better. Seriously your posts make me laugh so hard, your kids are so funny.

Brittany said...

oh I forgot last post I made a comment under Lins blog (Mccandless's.

DeAnna said...

Sounds like your kid's were pretty well behaved! I think the last time we went to a sit down restaurant was during the summer and that didn't go so well. Lucky me it was also East Marios, so the salads/bread really helped keep the kids calm while waiting for their food. We got a booth, which wasn't a great idea, the kid's kept trying to wiggle their way under the table to escape. And the never ending kid's having to go potty just seems so much more when you are out and about. I think I ate some of my food and took the rest to go. By the time we got into the van Brandi was almost half asleep & Triston was close behind. I still prefer picnics or at home take out to taking my two to a sit down restaurant.

Susie said...

man your kids are soo entertaining. They say and do the funniest things. Lets face it you have way more stories than me, if only it was funny for sadie to get up really early I'd be laughing my butt off everyday. YOu better come up here, and have your kids ready for a fine dining experience. Bonus of going out no mess to clean up right?

Jaime said...

We had a similar experience at Tony Roma's with Brody not too long ago, except he also pretty much cried the whole time. It gets better, right??
I love Alli's hair with the cute bow, she looks like such a little lady.
Oh, by the way, I got those chairs at Peavy Mart in Lethbridge.

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

Holy fetch - 26 comments on your last post? You are popular! I have bloggers envy. Good for you for taking your kids out for dinner - sounds like all in all, it went well!

Melissa said...

Sounds like when we try to take our kids out. They haven't been aloud into a normal restaurant for about 2 years lie. I love that you thought it went well, i would have thought the same thing.

Alysha Sladek said...

sounds dreamy to me... i'd take 2 out over FOUR any day!! hahahha. now we just either pick up fast food, or get take out.

Oler Family said...

That is so funny...that sounds like every meal around here. I love Alli's bow!

Ashley Dawn said...

I'm with Alysha. 2 sounds like a cake walk. You don't know what a gong show is...although, you are well on your way. I don't think I got to the eating part of dinner last time our family ventured out.

Jacklyn said...

I like that you write alot on your blog I always feel like I need to keep mine brief but then I always like reading yours so whatev. And that is hilarious, I tend to be more laid back like you. One time we took our kids with Ramsey's bro and his kids and I think he wanted to disown us by the end cause luke may have spilt an entire bowl of rice under the table and his shoe may have flown across the restaurant...but whatev no big deal. and how was your party?

Christal said...

You always make me laugh and make me feel like a normal mom with normal kids. I love reading your blog you are too funny!

Kristi Drennan said...

So I'm a total blog stalker and blog friend of Rhonda's...which is how I got here. Had to leave a comment about your last post...the 25'er because I totally needed to hear all that you wrote about cleaning and all that jazz. I totally need to get that book. Just for the days that I feel like I'm a failure because I haven't made my bed until 5pm. Hope you don't mind my stalking :)

AMIT said...

U have written and shared a good blog post with us.

Work from home

melissa said...

Oh my gosh! I just read and re-read the last few posts and I am dying laughing! I swear your kids are hilarious and your life is so entertaining compared to mine. James' "cheese" face made me pee a little, Alli's little comments to everyone made me pee a little more, and the whole restaurant fiasco did me in. Oh my goodness! I need to get some of those kids to entertain me too. Shoot. Tears of joy and laughter.

Erin L. said...

Lindsey, I think your blog is my favorite blog to read. You are so wonderful.