I can't beleive it has been 4 weeks! James is getting so big, it's all a blur really. But, it's been great. We've had so much help and visitors. I cooked my first real meal since James was born on Thursday, that's how spoiled we have been with meals and leftovers and family around. My parents were up again this weekend for Brooke's graduation. She's now a graduated registered dietician (she actally finished school back in December) YAY! Congrats Brooke. Speaking of school, Derek offcially got in the education faculty! FINALLY, we are so excited. He finished his phys ed degree last year and has been taking classes without actually being in the program. But now there is an end in sight. He'll be done school for sure by the end of next summer. Only 7 years. Then Derek will be the most qualified social and phys ed teacher around.
Now, onto the pictures.
Here's a few from last weekend with all the family. Alli was a little upset because of course she found the Shrek movie and REALLY wanted to watch it.
My mom brought up the quilt she made for James, I just LOVE it. Thanks Mom.
Alli is so cute with James. She's always trying to "help" by giving him his soother (even if he's sound asleep), or kissing him (even if he's sound asleep) patting and poking him (even if he's asleep) pointing out his eyes, nose and ears (especially if he's asleep). But, if that's the worst she does I'm alright with it. Plus, I really can't complain, since this week she has been walking into her bedroom before 8 pm saying night night. I'm sure it won't last, but even it it only lasts a week, it was a good week right!
My friend Erin was in town for her bridal shower this weekend. We worked together for a few years and then she moved to Kamloops last summer, so sad. So it was fun to see her again. I miss her and always love getting together with her to hang out and chat.
AND...the most important thing of the day...I caught this on camera.
It looks like you had a great time with the families. James is so cute - great picture!
I'm so glad I finally got to see James doing a real smile. (You've got proof he smiles now).
Sounds like a good time with the families. It's always so great to have those meals brought to you and have the extra hands around.....especially to give older sibilings a hand. Your little boy just gets cuter and cuter. I can relate to the older ones trying to "help" out.....it always makes for an interesting day!! Hopefully Alli doesn't try and move him like my 6 yr old does....
do you not have the cutest family. James is precious. I thought I wanted a girl but now i see that a boy can be pretty great too! ha check ya later
Lins, I had such a great time with you and finally got to meet James! What a cutie-petutie. I wish we could hang more often, but I'll be there in a month and we can catch up more!
I love the first picture of your little family of four! So cute. It almost makes me want to have a family of 4. I said ALMOST! Your hair looks really cute too.
Such a cute little family. Love the first pic of your cute little family of 4...and love the blanket your mom made.
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