We went to my aunt and uncle's for dinner a couple weeks ago. It was fun to get together with some cousins. Such a nice night out and smelled like spring, I love it.
My cousin Micheal and his wife Trina had twins at the end of March. James was bigger than Nolan and not far behind Danae, even though he does look smaller in the picture. Trina is so great with those two. I can't imagine having twins. My hat goes off to all the mothers who do it, amazing really.

My cousin Melissa is a preschool teacher. She is sooooo great with kids, and has enough toys, books, games etc to run it in her basement. Alli had so much fun playing with her in the yard and with all the toys.

Alli can never turn down a piano, she loooves to "play."

Life is good and busy in a not busy way these days, if you know what I mean. Derek is gone a lot with work, but Susie and Brooke are visiting me regularly. I think I would go crazy if they didn't. My ward has been spoiling us with dinners, I haven't had to cook yet. It's soooo nice to not have to worry about that and messing up the kitchen. Had the 2 week check up for James yesterday, 8 lbs 13 oz, he is growing fast. Alli is out of control in love with Shrek. Derek took her to the movie last week, her first, and she loved it. Everyday she finds the dvd and brings it to me or tries to put it in. I have no idea how or why she got so obssesed. We were at a friends house on Friday, and we wanted to put in a movie for the kids while we played games. The older girl wanted to let Alli choose. They had a shelf of about 20 kids dvds, and what a surprise, out of all of them Alli found Shrek.
Rhonda put up some pictures from James's photo shoot. They are soooooo good. I love them. I've been looking at them about every day since she put them up. You MUST go check them out here. Thank you Rhonda, I LOVE them.
Note I reput the pictures up on the post below.
Ohhh I can't wait to see him in person!
baby James is sooo cute in the pics and proud parents. you are a busy little mommy now. how fun... can't wait to really join with one of my own! as for the stop bys as long as i'm solo you can count on a few random visits!!
James is such a cute baby and I constantly can't get over how cute Alli is. Isn't it crazy? She's turning into a little kid, no longer a baby.
ya you're right, I feel like I almost know you better now than before, now that we're bloggin buddies. It's hilarious, in almost a stalker kinda way!
Cute pictures, he is adorable. I love the one where Derek is holding him and he's screaming! What a keeper!
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