So I was watching American Idol for few minutes tonight because Derek wasn't home. (he refuses to watch) It was some big fundraiser show. Il Divo had just started their song when I turned it on and I was bawling within seconds. Then a few minutes later I was at it again with Carrie Underwood. Don't worry, Rascal Flats did nothing for me, but I had to turn it off when I heard Josh Groban was coming up with an African boys choir. These pregnant emotions, so random. I really don't like watching all the sad kids stuff because it's so overwhelming, and not just for pregnant ladies. All I feel like I can do right now is love my kid(s) and do my best to provide for them. Yes provide all the physical and temporal things, but even more the emotional and learning things too. It makes me so happy when Alli folds her arms for prayers or tries to say Jesus when she looks at pictures. And sure she gets excited when I turn on cartoon some days, but when I say "outside" or "walk" it's a whole different kind of excitement, because she gets to explore the world.
Ok, enough of that cheesy. Alli is loving the weather right now and so am I. I feel like I talk about the weather soooo much on here, and that is so lame to me. Is that really what I feel compelled to talk about? But, when I'm cooped up all winter for the worst winter ever (and I was raised by weather obsessed dad) then yes, that is all there is to talk about sometimes. So I was outside chatting with my neighbor last night and Alli was playing with the other kids until almost 9 o'clock and loving it. (I was really loving it because Susie was doing all the ch ashing around...thank you! She might not be so quick with the chasing in the coming months) I love passing the time outside rather than in. The house doesn't get messy when you're not in it!
So a few weeks ago after my last ultrasound my due date got moved up officially a little for various reasons (maybe because I'm so huge) which is always nice to take off 10 days. So it's May 5th, just 10 more days. But, at the dr yesterday, he said it doesn't look like I'll be having this baby in the next week. Which is good I guess. Don't really want another 3 week early 5 pound baby who doesn't eat like Alli. So I'll just keep waddling around and waiting. Derek is done his last final tomorrow so that will be nice to not have to worry about having a baby in the middle of studing or taking a test. But, he is going to Red Deer for work on the 1-3 of May so we better hold off until he's back from there too!