So every night when I say the word bath in any way, Alli drops whatever she is doing (or stops whining about whatever she happens to be whinning about) and runs to the bathroom. She stands at the edge of the tub and does this little run on the spot. Then she gets out all the toys and drops them in, and tries to climb in herself. She'll run around the house laughing in excitment a few more times while the water is running and while I try and get her clothes off. It is so fun. I love her bath time. I always have, and so has she. Ever since she was brand new she so loved her baths. I took a few pictures tonight.
The lighting in the bathroom is pretty terrible, so I played around a bit with and without the flash. I always like to fiddle with brightness and contrast if you haven't noticed in past pictures. I'm such a rookie. I really don't have the patience to figure out more than the basics in photoshop. Derek always puts me to shame in the computer department. He is so much faster at figuring that stuff out, so I juts ask him to do it.
Not much else going on around here these days. Just loving the nice weather!
cute pics, ummm well i used to love bath time with Alli too. Whenever i was babysitting her i knew it would be a happy time (which aunts love) Anyways that girl is on strike 2 soo i don't know if i will be doing baths with here anymore. I wont go into it but her baths end abruptly when she welcomes uninvited things in the tub. ewww. Susie
Ha ha! That totally made me laugh when I read your description. I can just picture it. What a nut! She has such a fun personality. Gotta love the baths! Hey, random, my sister-in-law is a new found stay-at-home-mom now and she's realizing she doesn't have much to do and is worried she might get bored. Any suggestions?
Cute bath pictures, I can't believe how curly her hair goes in the tub. My sisters won't give Melia a bath anymore either after a similar incidence in the tub.
Give yourself a little credit even though you're a rookie with the picture thing. When you have such cute little girl to take pictures of, you can't go wrong. Brooke
Lucy is a BIG fan of the tub too! Totally loves it. She tries to climb in before all her clothes are off. It's pretty funny. Alden and her have baths together sometimes and MAN she gets excited when that happens! Alli is P-R-E-T-T-Y cute in these pics.
Cute cute pictures. Sounds like a great little pre bath dance. It cracks me up to watch Roman do his naked run around the house bath dance. He loves anything water related, so hopefully he will love the lake this summer too.
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