Gotta love that winter static hair!
Nothing much going on here this week. It got really cold for the past couple days, so we just try to stay in and keep warm. Thought I'd just put up a couple random pictures from lately.

This morning when Alli and I got back from her dr. appt (1 year check up just a few months behind) she got her empty sippy cup and brought it to me and waited right beside me. So I went and put in some water. I gave it too her and she said dandoo (thank you). She took a huge drink and then walked over to the couch and just kept on chuggin. She is getting so smart. Then tonight she was just doing her own thing then went over to her high chair and was trying to climb up, so I put her in and she started going mmm, mmmm, ready for supper. She's growing up so much and its fun to watch her learn all sorts of new things.

Here's a couple other skills Alli has accomplished recently...
With everybody having running noses over the holidays, including Alli, she must have watched everybody always blowing their noses. It's a handy little thing. At first she would just make a noise with her lips, but now she really does blow. She'll just do it all by herself. I usually have to go in after and clean up, but she's mostly willing let me. She's probably just happy I don't have to go for the eyes anymore.

Another "skill" ...Yeah she can shove in a banana pretty good. I couldn't fix the red eye on this picture, but I had to put it in. I love kids first thing in the morning all messy and but just so happy.

Alli's favorite part of the day (which can happen numerous times throughout) is when daddy tickles her. Sure I can make her laugh, but Derek does it soooo much better. She just cracks up when he looks at her sometimes. Here she is fallen off the couch laughing so hard she got the hiccups. It's about the cutest thing ever to see those two play.

This is outside at my parent's over the holidays. All the snow melted and their lawn was green underneath. Alli loves outside, she sometimes cries when I bring her inside. Sometimes I think the cold doesn't really bother her. She'll be a good southern Alberta girl someday, she turns her head to face the wind.

11 days into the new year. I'd better make some goals soon, but nothing to exciting or lifelong changes. I like to just make little goals throughout the year, not a bunch all at once. Late last summer I wanted a new pair of running shoes for my birthday because I wanted to train for a half marathon this spring. Well, that is why you can't set goals to far in advance...things change. I found this GREAT new quote. I found it on the internet, so I have no idea who this is and if he really said it, but it's a good one. "We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." Joseph Campell.
Maybe a good goal will be to survive this year with a little sanity. The thing with goals is you really do have to write them down, and you have look at what you wrote down often, to keep you on track. So I will do that. Speaking of writing down, I'm going to get back into writing my lists. I went through a phase when I wrote a list of everything for the week on Sunday night. Everything from dinner plans to a workout. I really liked crossing things off the list, you really feel like you accomplished things at the end of the day, even if it is vacuuming.
One more thing. I decided on my "word for the year" (see Rhonda's blog) My word is Believe. I saw that was someone's comment, but I had been thinking of using it too. There is a lot to believe in, but this year among other things, I think I need to believe in myself mostly. I'll leave it at that.
Last note. Loving our Christmas present from Dereks parents. The Magic Bullet. Derek is making smoothies like there's no tomorrow and I'm lovin it. Sipping on a delicious mixture of fruits as I write.
I really love that quote you found. Good word - I have one but I just need to get around to posting it. I'm still catching up on the Christmas posts!
what a personality Alli has and what a good mother to enjoy it.
Savor the days
They will turn into memories
PS sure is quiet at my house not much to make memories of.
I need a copy of that first picture.......way too cute! I'm glad you guys had such a great Christmas, but I'm sad that we missed each other over the holidays. I can't believe the pictures of Alli, she is growing up so fast. What a little cutie! Make sure you show her my picture often so she doesn't forget me! Happy New Year to you, Derek and Alli!
Love Always,
I always forget to leave comments, but I love it when people leave them on mine. Seriously - you swear you're not a photographer, but I always think the pics you take of Alli are rad! I love the one by the little merry go round in your parents house from the last post, and I love the first one here. Soo cute! I really am bummed that we didn't get to talk about Europe and see pics when I was in Canada, by the way. Maybe next time.
LOVE that quote!!!! I'll ahve to copy it down. Love your word you picked too. And love all the photos of alli!
cuteness of the pics
And nice quote I will give up the life i have planned for the life waiting for me if it is better haha (do i have a choice)I sure hope it is Can't wait! that's life eh full of surprises!!
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