I just haven't been able bring myself to blog because I'll have to fess up to the fact that my baby is growing and time is moving along. I know you are all just dying to see pics, but as usual you get to read my ramblings too! I did actually follow through and take a picture a day for 30 days, I think these are in order (except that one above I just took last week) and I'm missing a few I took on my phone, but I DID do it and I am so happy I did.
-I pretty much kiss her chubby cheeks all day, and she loves it.
So here is some documentation on the little one and life around here.

-I put clothes on Sage some days not just sleepers which means she is big enough for clothes/dresses dang it! but it's pretty dang cute so it's ok.
-I don't want to jinx it, but she is a good baby. However, it doesn't take much to take that title in the Baldry house. It usually means that you don't cry for more than an hour for unknown reasons. (I cannot even fathom a baby crying for hours on end like James did.) I told someone she was a really good baby and they asked me if she slept through the night. I said, well she is still a baby and up every 3 or 4 hours but that is what they do!

-she does get a little fussy at bedtime most nights, but I laugh in the face of fussy. (and give gripe water)
-we have middle of the night parties on occasion, but again she doesn't cry, so we just hang out.
-Sage likes her soother now, but only one type and I only have one of them so I'm on the lookout
-I am so much more relaxed with 3 than I was with 2. I think it mostly has to do with the ages of James and Alli and the fact that I haven't really done anything yet. There are enough other things going on in life I don't have time to analyze every little thing.
-She has started to really smile, but I have yet to capture proof of this.
-Every time I try and do a somewhat of a posed picture Sage cries, every time. It's best not to disturb her she tells me.
-Finally had her first bath that she didn't scream through on Saturday and has been mostly loving them ever since. But I have to say, keeping up with the bathing and hygiene of 3 kids is quite the task.
-Through all the annoying/uncomfortable/painful post baby things I kept telling myself it doesn't last long, it doesn't last long. And it doesn't! 6 weeks goes by so fast and I feel mostly normal.
-Which means I started walk/jogging etc, oh yeah, that doesn't feel normal. Now I need to start telling myself the out of shape doesn't last long...right?
-Lots of people have asked me about her name. Well, I have loved the same Sage since probably jr high. We almost used it for Alli's middle name. Glad I help out for a first name cause I just love it! Her middle name, Ellis is a family name on Derek's side. His Grandpa Baldry had the middle name Ellis. The name goes back 5 generations or so I think, where it turns out a James Baldry married a Susannah Ellis and they are Derek's great great grandparents. (visited Derek's grandma this week to make sure I had my genealogy right, correct me if I'm wrong Grandma B!)
The kids are having a great time with her. James had a bit of cough the last day or 2 so I have been trying to keep him away and he pretty much cries when he can't hold her because he is usually smothering her.

-I realized James has way more pics with Sage than Alli. He used to always ask me to take his picture when he held her for all of 1 minute. But Alli will sit with her longer and I guess when she does I trust her unsupervised and get a thing or 2 done!

-Who knew I could say so much about my little almost 7 week old?
And just a couple more! First is Sage and Oliver a month apart. I can't remember but Sage is probably a week or 2 old and Oliver 4 or 5 weeks I guess.

Sage's cousin Talia born 4 weeks early. Sage and her chubby cheeks are 5 weeks here and Talia is 1 week! I guess Talia is still a little jaundice here, but Susie's kids do always make mine look pasty white. Love that there are 3 little cousins all in a row on the Steed side.

I'm so glad Rhonda gave me the great idea for the pictures with a new baby. Now Rhonda just gave me another idea to have a least one picture a month with the entire family. Totally up for it, thanks again Rhonda!
oh this is so perfectly perfect. I mean if I don't get to see Sage and you, this is the next best thing. I think I am keeping up with the photo a day too, great idea. Sage does have the best chubber cheeks. i'll keep my eyes out for a soother, you know when I actually make it out. good to know the pinky works in a pinch. amen to a good baby in our books.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of you and Sage that Rhonda took. So beautiful!
I'm so glad that you put up pics, and lots of them because I loved all of them. She is so cute.
Your other two kids look so much like Derek, but Sage doesn't. I almost want to say she looks like you.
So fun that 3 cousins are so close in age. They will have so much fun!
She is so cute! How fun for you and Susie to both have girls!
I am so glad I finally got to see her! She is perfection!
And Dustin showed me again where your house is and I was thinking it was a few streets closer than it is! I guess thats why I could never find it!
What a great idea to do a picture every day for 30 days. She's so cute and you can just tell she's a smile-er.
She's a beautiful baby - and glad that she's a good "normal" baby for you!
The black and white pic of you and Sage is just beautiful. Wish we could come down this weekend.
OH my she is getting so big!!!! She is so beautiful!!! I love all of your pictures!
Loving these pictures she's sooo sweet! Ellis is my grandma Jardines maiden name and I've thought about using it for a middle name as well so if I ever do know I'm not copying cute little Sage in a weird way:)
there are like 10 things I wanted to say while looking at this. First Sage is perfect, I love everything about her especially her cheeks cause your other kids didn't have them also you look great and could James be any cuter with her?? that's how it is here to, Lily wants to be in every pic with Si and she mauls him all day every day. And is that the soother I got for Alli?? cause if it is I will look for some more for ya if you want.
Cute, everything about your little family is just darling!
Sage is so adorable. We need to get together so I can see her!! Congrats again- she is a doll!
what a sweetheart!
there is nothing like a new little girl in the house. She is soo fun!
She is absolutely adorable! The name you picked sounds so beautiful Sage Ellis- it just flows so nice! COngratulations!
LOOOOOOOVE this post! I love everything about it and I don't even know where to start commenting, so I won't. I'll just say that I'm so excited to come and steal Sage for an afternoon and get some baby snuggles in! I seriously heart your kids. Also...I just noticed that the pieced quilt that Sage is laying on is made out of my friend's fabric line. Crazy!
She is beautiful and I love her name. I think you really do need to come by especially since all of my family is leaving half-way through our visit. Oh, and you better bring Sage. We will be there the 23rd-the 2nd!
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