I got sick like a month or so ago. The old sore throat stuffy nose, sinus thing going around. Not too long after Derek got it, (I still have the stuffy nose) he hardly had a voice for a week, not so great when you are a school teacher and football coach. Then before I knew it James was sportin a fever ( i still had the stuffy nose) and most recently we have added Alli to the list. I keep thinking they are over it, then suddenly it's back. Pretty lame. Also, my reoccurring nose business, pretty lame. But overall a decent sickness to deal with because of the sleep and all. Note the photos below. My only regret is that I couldn't time my sickness and the children's to all be at the same time so we could have done some serious slackin around. Instead, I was draggin my feet way back when and now that I feel better (with a dang stuffy nose, it's embarrassing) I'm twiddling my thumbs while they, (mostly Alli, James seems to be over it) carry on with the fever.
And the saddest part of it all. We had to cancel our family date for Derek's birthday tonight. I thought as both children were sound asleep at 5pm that it just wasn't going to be a good day for that.
So I made supper just for us and Derek's favorite cake. I knew Alli was really sick when she didn't even care about cake. I dragged her up to sing happy birthday. She's gonna kill me someday for this pic, but it is too funny not to share. You can't fake this look.
She is trying so hard. And like I said James isn't really sick anymore, but still sportin the ragged look. He is still up at 10 pm because of that nap so he is not so sick anymore. But the sick kid cuddles over the past week have been great!
Couldn't do a birthday post without telling Derek what a great guy he is. Not every dad lets the kids give him a haircut. The snapshots aren't great, but bathroom light at night is non ideal.
And 'Anon' from the last post. I meant I beat 772 overall for the running, not the whole thing, jeesh. Who are you rootin for anyway? It's my blog and I'll brag if I want to.