I have never minded getting older, and I'm not usually an 'oh, my baby is growing up tear, tear' kinda person. I like all the stages and growing and enjoy the fun that comes with it. But for some reason I can't wrap my head around the whole four year old thing. It's weird to buy size 4 clothes. I don't think I ever really pictured my life past toddlers for my kids or 30 for me. I still have a couple years to go before I see what life is past 30, but it's weird, I never really thought too much about life after the baby/toddler years. And now that James has been potty training this week and gave up his soother a couple weeks ago, and has been in a bed for a while and even that haircut, I realized I have dreamed about what it might be like to not have a baby. So far, it's pretty dang good and the same except I didn't take a diaper to church today.
I know I'm gonna think of a million things more tomorrow, but a little list of what this gal is up to these days.
-These days Alli is very into ballet. I don't remember if I have aid on here that she is in a class once a week and looks forward to it all week, and dances her moves around the house. We had a ballet friends party on Friday. (my first 'friends' party for my child. See she's growing up!?)
-She loves to color, play doctor, dolls, and princess (she is always looking for who will be her prince. James likes to be the monster or the beast while wearing a princess dress, but not the prince.)
-Alli loves all things sugar, but usually always eats her vegetables, so it makes me feel a little better. Also loves chicken nuggets and chocolate milk
-always stays awake in her bed after we tuck her in to look at books.
-writes her own name
-knows which is left and right
-loves this dang snow, but knows I don't
-her hair is grown enough that I can leave it down curly and the chunks almost go unnoticed to the untrained eye (and I'm slightly ecstatic about the whole thing but still won't be straight down for a loooong time) note the non pigtail pictures this week!
-loves to sit and have stories read to her
-asked me the other day when we are getting our own house (no plans in that department yet)
-loves to sing sing sing really random stuff
-always wants to help me in the kitchen
-makes up words on a daily basis. like today she said scrumbly and stubla. i can't think of anymore right now, but it's weird.
-loves going to her primary class at church
-always asks if we are getting a babysitter
-sneaks into bed with us occasionally for a good cuddle
-can still throw a pretty mean tantrum
-wants to be robot for Halloween, but probably won't be. (come on, how am I gonna do that?)
- and, she is so stinkin cute I can't even STAND it!
I'm so happy and proud of my four year old. She is great big sister to James (mostly...) and a great little girl to have around. She is full of life and a personality all her own. I love her so much and just crave to be around her and James having fun doing our own thing
Happy Birthday Alli!
And my big boy James had a great time at the ballerina party. He danced like spiderman, made the ballerina puppet, and just sat and watched all the girls get their picture taken having a great time. He pretty much cracks me up on a daily basis.
Why do we always think it is the cutest thing when a kid put on a pair of glasses/sunglasses? That, and bathtub pictures, random. But look, he IS so cute, and I am clearly entertained!
Wow! Four already! Crazy! I'm tyring to convince TJ to be a robot b/c it would be so easy! A box with some knobs, ect for the body and an ice cream bucket hat. Sadly for my kiddo, its a no go!
Happy Birthday Alli!
I love the ballerina princess party.
Tell Alli Roman will be her prince anytime.
Write her own name! I'm impressed. I can't get Roman to even learn the alphabet.
Happy birthday Alli!
Love the pics.
Can't stand how darling blowing the
candles out picture is!
I still end up with a few extra people in my bed too!
Don't you love doing little girls hair?
Glad to hear that you don't enjoy the cold either. My Kids will stay out till their little lips are blue if I don't pay attention.
:) we love Alli! (and james too!) happy birthday to Alli! (Lucy told me today she was wondering if James is going to invite girls to his party when he has one cause she wants to go)
Jaycie used to make up random words and names all the time. I forgot about that. Didn't know any other kids did it too. She looks darling with her hair down and curled. Four years old does seem so much older I agree and man when I turn 30 I think I will start thinking to myself, wow I am old, but still feel young on the inside. I always think myself younger than I really am.
4 years old.
just wait - in a year she'll be FIVE! Her birthday party looked so fun, I wanted to be a guest. I've always wanted a tutu. (and I'm being serious.) I think they're pretty. You've got two wonderful kids!
P.S. I had to laugh at the "she's always asking for a baby-sitter" comment. My kids too.
Happy Birthday Alli! Looks like she had a great time, and her curls in the first pic are darling!!
happy birthday alli dearest! i can't believe she's 4 and her 1st friend party?!?! so fun! congrats on the potty training/sootherless crack you up little man of yours too :)
Seriously Alli is pretty dang cute and the curly new do is to. die. for. I can so see Dad snapping James' pic with the glasses. does she ask for gma to babysit?
Happy Birthday Alli she is so cute! Its weird when they get to big eh!Kind of fun and crazy all at the same time. The party looks like a ton of fun you are so crafty and talented! Yeah on the potty training too those are good times ha ha only when they actually catch on eh! ttys
I can't believe Alli is four! You did a great job on her birthday party. We never did get a chance to meet up this summer but hopefully soon. Also congrats on the potty training.
happy birthday alli! i can't believe she's 4 holy smokes! your kids are so cute. congrats on the potty training - so wonderful when it's all done :)
haha! I LOVE your kids! They ARE so stinkin' cute and I'm so excited to get to see them again soon (and you, of course). I can't believe how grown up Alli is either. And I have to admit, she has me on the whole left/right thing and I have 23 years on her!! I'm working on it...
Love the princess party. Very cute. I totally think James is adorable in his blue glasses.
oh what a cute little future daughter in law I have!!! And sorry for my absense of blogging. We have had both of our lab tops die on us in the last month ahhh I'm in the dark ages. So needless to say no blogging for Moi. I didn't even get to post Luke's cute little pirate 4th b-day party. Anyway I hope to be blogging soon!
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