when i leave the bowl of spaghetti in reach while i deal with this on this potty
so i decided once he started to just let him have at it.
i laughed outloud when i saw this picture. he was in heaven the whole time.
so yes, i am finally officially potty training. it's past due time. i've just been doing it off and on for the last few months and she is ready, but like i have said before, i'm not sure i am. i have no idea what to do or if what i am doing is right. therefore, if any of you have seen me this week you know i'm slightly a MESS about it. so give me any tips all you moms who are laughing at me right now. it's going ok, but i'm such a stress case.
i love those kids they are way to cute! i love them!
brooke byam
as if he put the bowl on his head that is soo funny. I hope you master the potty training thing, I think you are doing a heck of a job, you're so hardcore. for your sake I hope Alli gets it pretty quick. You & your kids make me laugh Thanks
I DO NOT look forward to that day. Especially because that day for me brings a baby and massive sleep deprivation. So how about you figure it out and then give me the play by play. Sound good?
Good luck!
The only tip I have is consistency...but it doesn't make it any easier. Sorry. And thanks for the giggle...James is priceless!
oh potty training. good for you for starting. it's so hard to know what advice to give 'cause each kid is SO different. With Austin, my dad said "I'll give you 5 bucks once you're potty trained" and no joke the kid was done with diapers in a day! Ella took a LOT of patience, and partly I waited until she was older. She started really showing an interest and then we just tried to be consistent and constantly asking her if she needed to go. GOOD LUCK!! Oh and those pictures are absolutely PRICELESS!!! hahahha
CUTE photos of James!!!! I have NO tips for you. You don't want Alli to potty train like Alden did!!!!
It looks like James loves that Alli is getting potty trained.
I laughed out loud at the first picture of that boy and by the end it was a belly laugh.
Good luck
i can't give any tips either because i failed potty training with Peyton. He is still in diapers and refuses to do it so let me how it goes.
That is awesome! Can't wait!
Oh my...how I love little James! I clearly have no pointers on potty training because I am not a mom...although I was a nanny once but I potty trained a little boy and we used treats as bribery. I have to admit though that I changed many a pair of DIRTY gonch. G-ross. Good luck with that.
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