I feel like maybe I miss writing down my random thoughts.
I feel like it is confirmed, I'll take wind over cold. I can totally handle this winter.
I feel like I watch Sarah Richardson design for her great design style and also to check out all her boots.
I feel like making brownies. Scratch that. I feel like eating brownies.
I feel like I'm never going to lose the last 15 pounds from the babe...wonder why.
I feel like running outside, and I have been when the wind and ice allow.
I feel like Sage is a good baby.
I feel like for the last few weeks I am losing my milk to feed her.
I feel sad when my baby cries and is hungry. Thankfully at 11 at night I have good friends I can call (Whitney!) who had some formula when this first started happening. I've been trying all the 'natural' ways to remedy this with no luck, but I don't want to quit. So thankfully I have a brother who helped me out with a prescription when my dad is away! Hope it works.
I feel like I am in junior high (not really) but my itunes was on random and came to a Cranberries song, remember them? It has been years and years. I took it off random and I have literally been listening to them all day and love it, kinda, some of their songs are just weird. I used to put the song Dreams on repeat 24/7 and I still love it. I still know every word to every song!
I feel like most people are kinda nice, but sometimes they just can't help it. Derek has to ref a couple junior high games every week. When I'm feeling like I need to get out of the house at the witching hour (4- 5 ish) we go watch. Sometimes people yell at the ref. It makes me so upset when people yell at Derek when he is reffing a junior high game FOR FREE right during supper time. Derek doesn't seem to phased by it, but I AM. (mostly because for 10 years I have been trying to yell at him during a good ol husband wife 'disagreement,' but it's impossible, you just can't yell at the guy, he's too great!) Today was one of those days I felt like getting out. I went to the game and ended up sitting in the area of a large group of the opposing teams parents. During the first half it was close and there were some remarks about the ref, but I'm a big girl after all and just watched the terrible display that girls basketball usually is. (I do have a great plan for if I'm ever there and people get crazy, but it hasn't been that bad at the couple games I've been to dang it! I feel it is a good plan, ask me about it.) Then at the end of the game the teams were getting a little fiesty and one of the parents started to chip at the refs again. Then I heard this mumbled shhhh.....wife.....raymond.....Baldry.... HA! I think one of the parents saw me at half time and knew who I was and told them to be quiet because Raymond may or may not have been playing a town we used to live in...the age group that Derek may or may not have taught while there... I told Derek and he was like that's weird that they quieted down for you because they Raymond parents never do. It's true. I feel some people do not realize how they act while spectating a game of sports. ( I would carry out my plan to Raymond people too, so bring it!)
I feel I may have said too much!
I made brownies in the middle of writing this post, they will be done soon. I might have a problem.
I'm doing a photo challenge and some of these pics were for it. From here on I'm doing it right and I'll post them right, ya know?