It's pretty much all about love.

I love Valentine's Day. We don't do anything exciting or too out of the ordinary around this time, but I still love it. I mean really, what is so wrong with people telling other people they love them? It's clearly not just a husband/wife kinda day. My kids were making Valentines for everyone under the sun this week. I may or may not get them all delivered, but that is not the point. They thought of all these people they love and wanted to tell them so. I think that is just plain nice!
I just have so many people to love in my life, and I might be just a little shy to tell them most of the time. That's why I have my kids tell them in the form of crafty crafted cards, (or Dora and Elmo cards) our decorated rice krispy squares, and/or possibly sugar cookies. But I just don't know if I feel like making those cookies this year, I do however feel like eating them. Whit? You have my recipe...
Anyway...I just think it's fun to have an excuse to do something a little different for a few days. You know, plaster the walls with hearts, make pink whipped cream for the pancakes (let's not get carries away, heart shaped pancakes are outta my league) and sing the 'all you need is love' song all day. (sidenote, as I was scrolling through my tunes I realized The Beatles pretty much summed up love in so many of their songs, drugs too, but their love songs are the best.)
So here it is Valentines Time and how in love am I?! So in love with my all family and friends. So happy with where things are at. Derek is so in love with me too I just know it. How do I know you ask?!
I asked for him to get me nothing this year, and I meant it too.
So the story goes, we had a major mishap one certain Valentines. Things were said and plans had failed and a certain partner of the relationship may have overeacted. BUT she has since apologized and has had many a hearty laugh over it, and found out a few weeks after the episode she was preggo with her first so it was all justified...right? From that time forward, expectations were pretty low. And low expectations make for a great day! Anyway, we usually don't really do gifts cause I suck at receiving gifts, but I often ask Derek for a letter, a letter of love 'round this time.
So cheesy I know. As I went this year to look back and reflect through my box of love letters (it doesn't exist, it took very little time) I realized I will not ask him for a letter ever again. My husband is not the romantic type. I know this, I have always known this. And I never have cared about that. I'm always quite sure he won't write one, but there is always that teeny tiny part of me that hopes I might get a surprise letter. But no, and that really is ok by me. (I think I like the thought of a love letter more than actually getting a letter. And at this point, let's face it, it would probably be a let down anyway.)
All I really have to do is just think of all the other ways he shows me and the kids that he loves us and I realize I don't need some sap letter to tell me so. Did you want to know that much about us?
And sure, Valentines could all just be a big commercial sham, but it's not necessarily a bad one now is it?
Happy Valentines Day !
Keep your expectations low and you will have a glorious day!
Keep your expectations low and you will have a glorious day!
i find that's the best way to deal with husbands and big events - low expectations equals happy days :) cuz then anything you get is icing on the cake! cute pics of the kiddies and love the one james took of you two and alli is a serious poser and i love it!
ps - i'd bring you some of my valentine's day sugar cookies if we lived closer!
great pics and I agree with the low expectations...high ones make for cranky days!
I appreciated your thoughts so much dearie! I too have one of those kind of husbands. I don't care if it's horrible of me, but I feel better when I realize I'm not the only one in the "boat". We went to a party last night where we played "Family Feud"(girls against boys) and the question was "where would you take a date for Valentines Day?" They had got most of them and were running out of ideas, when it was Toms turn he shouted out "Bowling"! Nice eh? Love the pics darling.
k you got some weird comments...and I love how you put things, I agree and I also love the pics of your kids they are looking so grown up. Tell Alli that we will come play as soon as we can!
Love this Valentine's you guys!
Sidenote: I've submitted my time off request for July 1st and am waiting with fingers crossed and baited breath that I'll get the time off. It rarely happens that I can take time off during month-end so keep your fingers really hard!!
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