2. Is it rude if I am hurrying out of Costco and walk really fast past a couple of old people to get to the receipt stamper first?
3. The kids 'dragged' us (Derek) to McDonalds for supper tonight. ( i confess, i like it, and preggo me won't hold back from going. so sue me.) We (I) told the kids if they were good we could get ice cream. They were ok, but the line got really long all of a sudden so Derek said we could have ice cream at home. (surprisingly the SUPERSTORE root beer cream is not gone yet, oh i bought 2, that's why.) There was an outrage by all (me) and I took the kids out and belted them in to be so good while he got them. He came out with 2 measly ice cream cones. I rolled my pregnant eyes at Derek and then he rolled his eyes at me, apparently we need to learn how to share and not give the kids everything they want. (aren't I an adult?) I let the kids have a lot, I had a little, and Derek had none. The question is, don't you think I dealt with this rather well? I'm such a mature adult.
4. Are you looking for me? I'll just be out in my backyard relaxing in my new zero gravity chair while my children are being angels. Ok, it's a cheap knock off zero gravity chair, but just as heavenly.
5. Why do I kill the spiders and flies that enter my house left and right without a thought, and to date I have carried 2 ladybugs out the door?
6. Did I do my 8km race a few ago? You bet I did. I felt great (during the race) and ran in a respectable time for the state I am in. (felt terrible the next day) I think it's time to start walking for exercise, booorrrrring.
7. My kids have 17000 mosquito bites combined. Am I a bad mom? They don't have sunburns though!
8. How many hours have YOU wasted on pintrest. If you don't know what this is, don't say I didn't warn you!
9. How awesome is your dad/husband/father of the children? Oh mine? Yep, awesome. Happy late Father's Day! Minus the both of us having to talk in church, it was a great day.
10. Want to see my latest project? My project as in my friend Jill found it for me on Kijij, (I paid $60 for it by the way) and my perfectionist husband wouldn't let me do it, haha! I took the old hardware off and threw it away because it was ugly. Now it takes me 42 seconds to open a drawer. Where can I get cute cheap hardware, and fast?
Terrible pic. It's already all set up in the bedroom and it's hard to get a good angle. I kinda wanted to glaze it or antique it, but Derek didn't, I couldn't fight it because he did all the work. Maybe if I get sick of it someday I'll change it up. So there is a beautiful mirror that came with it. I am going to use it somewhere else in the house. It's not done yet. I know what a waste to put a tv on it, but whatever, we're just those people who will always have a tv in the bedroom. I cannot even fathom not having one anymore. I'm so very close to being ready to post pictures of the WHOLE house. So close as in probably by the end of summer.