Saturday, April 26, 2008


bye bye to sadie, susie and ryan. we will miss them soooooo much. i'm pretty sure i'm in denial that they are actually gone.

happy birthday to brett yesterday. thanks for having a birthday party!

we told alli it was brett's birthday and she just had to call him to say happy birthday. then she was out of control excited waiting for brett to come over. i'm pretty sure the cake might have had something to do with the excitement. after eating the icing off of 2 pieces of cake, she was our entertainment for the night.

poor little james. on wednesday night he suddenly got really sick. he had a horrible croup cough that turned into not breathing very well. after a midnight phone call to dr. grandpa, i took james to emerg. when my dad said to take him in, then i KNEW he really needed yo go in. since i was sure it was croup and he just needed some medicine i wasn't to stressed and derek just stayed home with alli and he went to bed. the good thing about a baby who can't breathe is you get seen right away. we were only in the waiting room for 5 minutes before we got a room. since everybody could hear his stridor breathing and barking cough across the hallway they gave him a quick nebulizer treatment first and then after the dr. came in he got the oral medicine. i felt so bad for my poor little guy. we had to stay around for a little while after to make sure it was working. he still wasn't breathing that great but they let me go home anyway. (i was so tired so i dropped the whole i'm a pediatric nurse thing and they trusted me to go, phew.) he was still not very happy on thursday, his chest was still tight and wheezing. alli had minor symptoms of the same, so we all tried to sleep! i was slightly out of it from being up till 4 am.

so everything is fine now. the kids just have a cough you can hear around the block and the snotty noses are in full force. please oh please let this be the end of sickness for the year around here!

and speaking of loud. i'm dying laughing right now. we live on the second floor of our building. our neighbor on the 4th floor has been going to town with the kareokee for the last couple hours. the best part is, i can only hear one voice. he just might be at it ruining some classic songs all by himself!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

where is spring?

ummmm, remember last saturday?

what happened?

and here's james. just add another bruise to that same spot on his head.

he looks like he peed his pants, we're training him now too, hehe. but he really just got a hold of alli's sippy cup.

i hate april. it's such a terrible month. you get a random teaser nice day, but really, it's edmonton, it's still winter, it WILL snow just as much in april as it did every other month since october AND it will be -18 with the windchill. i was too depressed to take pictures of the madness but alysha took some.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


tomorrow is the last day of swimming lessons at the ymca for the kids. so sad. they really loved them and as lame-o as it sounds, it gave us something to do on friday nights! alli and james loved them of course. last week alli didn't want to do anything the class was doing. she wanted to "bob" the whole time (duck her head under) which is funny because she pretty much hated doing that every week before. james is a little frog swimming. none of the other kids showed up in his class last week and his lesson is right after alli's so his teacher let us all just stay in and play. james has no fear (what a surprise) and was pretty much jumping off the edge.

i know this looks evil, but it was about half a second about he loves it.

i had a tiny turtle...

i'll just mention this quickly because i don't want to jinx it, but the potty training is going really really good. only a #2 accident on sunday while distracted by a movie. other than that she been sooooooo good for a week now! but i may not sleep tonight because she refused the pull ups even though she has been dry in the morning pretty much all week.

ok, so boring post. but aren't they always?

Friday, April 11, 2008

this is what happens...

when i leave the bowl of spaghetti in reach while i deal with this on this potty

so i decided once he started to just let him have at it.

i laughed outloud when i saw this picture. he was in heaven the whole time.

so yes, i am finally officially potty training. it's past due time. i've just been doing it off and on for the last few months and she is ready, but like i have said before, i'm not sure i am. i have no idea what to do or if what i am doing is right. therefore, if any of you have seen me this week you know i'm slightly a MESS about it. so give me any tips all you moms who are laughing at me right now. it's going ok, but i'm such a stress case.

Monday, April 07, 2008

around here

here's the rundown as of lately...

went to raymond AGAIN for a couple days because Derek had spring break.

he did this

and this

james did this (his eye)
suprisingly this wound did not come from falling down the stairs (which he did 4 times)
but he did learn to crawl down them before we left. i'm so glad we have no stairs here!

alli finally got to wear her new easter dress from grandma, but wasn't in a posing mood

james is walking everywhere and looks like this. the picture does NO justice for the many, MANY brusies on his head. i think i'll try to take a picture again tomorrow of them to show him what a terror he was (and probably still will be) when he's older. he doesn't stay still ever.
when i walked into the gym this morning, the ladies gasped and were so worried if i was in some sort of freak accident. no no, just an accumulation of a child with no fear. i just saw the picture and as bad as it sounds, it looks WAY worse in person. the baldness of his head doesn't help hide any either. i counted 7.

and that's about it!